565 Dennisville Road
South Dennis, NJ 08245
Phone 609-861-1045
Fax 609-861 2439
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 204; 571 Petersburg Road
Dennisville, NJ 08214
Pickleball Schedule
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
Beginning September 23, 2024
Beginner Level: 9AM – 10:30AM
Intermediate Level: 10:30AM – 12PM
Advanced Level: 12PM – 1:30PM
Participants only permitted to play in one level.
Our Programs
Fitness Path
Summer Camp
Running Club
Recreation Programs
The Township of Dennis has several Recreation Facilities which are located throughout the Township. The main facility is located at 565 Dennisville Road in South Dennis, and is known as the “Dennis Township Recreation Park”. This facility houses the main recreation building with gymnasium space for basketball, volleyball, and roller skating.
The park has an outdoor picnic pavilion, roller hockey rink, three (3) soccer fields, five (5) baseball fields, one (1) tennis court, two (2) basketball courts, and playground areas for children under five (5) and for those under twelve (12) years of age. The park is open daily with various activities scheduled from 10:30 am until 8:00 pm.
The Chestnut Street Park is located on Chestnut Street in Belleplain, and contains the Home field for the Dennis Township Blue Devils Football teams, a baseball field, basketball courts, picnic pavilion and two playgrounds. All outdoor park areas are open from dawn to dusk.
Online Registration
In order to make the registration process easier and more convenient, residents can now sign up for activities. programs and leagues online. Go to dennis.recdesk.com and click on the “Help” tab for complete instructions on how to setup your individual and family profile.