Baseball & Softball

Tee Ball (Boys and Girls Ages 5 & 6)
Program to teach the fundamentals of hitting, fielding, and base running. Players hit a ball off a batting tee. The primary goal is to have fun while experiencing the value of teamwork and learning the fundamentals of the game. Each participant will be given a shirt and hat. Participants must turn 5 by August 31st.
Instructional Baseball (Boys Ages 7 & 8)
More advanced teaching on fundamentals. Players hit from a pitching machine. Program prepares children for the step up to Little League Baseball. Each participant will be given a shirt, hat, pants and socks.
Instructional Softball (Girls Ages 7 & 8)
More advanced teaching on fundamentals. Players hit from a coach thrown pitch. Program prepares children for the step up to Little League Softball. Each participant will be given a shirt, visor, pants and socks.
Babe Ruth Baseball (Boys Ages 13 thru 15, Grades 7th thru 9th)
The Babe Ruth League is highly competitive and there is no league rule governing playing time. The awarding of positions and playing time will be at the discretion of the coaches. All participants will be given a jersey (to keep) and a hat.
Little League Softball (Girls Ages 9 to 12)
Split into two divisions, minor and major. Minor league participants will be given a shirt, visor, pants and socks. Major league participants will be given a jersey (must be returned at end of season) and belt.
Little League Baseball (Boys Ages 9 to 12)
Split into two divisions, minor and major. Minor league participants will be given a shirt, hat, pants and socks. Major league participants will be given a jersey (must be returned at end of season) and hat.
Sr. League Softball (Girls Ages 13 thru 16, Grades 7th thru 10th)
All participants will be given a jersey (to keep) and belt.
Congratulations to the 2023 CMC Minor League Softball CHAMPIONS, Seeburg Electric!!